01563 530918
 07920 004026

Cynthia Ramage

Cynthia Ramage from Kilmarnock passed her driving test at Cumnock Driving Test Centre with only THREE DRIVING FAULTS!<br />
A very well deserved pass for Cynthia who, despite a number of setbacks stayed positive and put in the effort and hours needed to be successful, only taking her test when she was fully ready to drive independently.
Cynthia Ramage from Kilmarnock passed her driving test at Cumnock Driving Test Centre with only THREE DRIVING FAULTS!
A very well deserved pass for Cynthia who, despite a number of setbacks stayed positive and put in the effort and hours needed to be successful, only taking her test when she was fully ready to drive independently.

For Automatic Driving Lessons With A Professional Instructor In East Ayrshire
Daniel Cameron Driver Training
 01563 530918
 07920 004026
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