01563 530918
 07920 004026

Stephanie Pollock

Stephanie Pollock from Kilmarnock passed her driving test FIRST TIME at Irvine Driving Test Centre with only FOUR DRIVING FAULTS!<br />
Stephanie took her time and persevered with her driving lessons, even though most took place in heavy, rush hour traffic and waited until she was fully ready to drive unaccompanied.<br />
These conditions and Stephanie´s effort and consistency prepared her well for th
Stephanie Pollock from Kilmarnock passed her driving test FIRST TIME at Irvine Driving Test Centre with only FOUR DRIVING FAULTS!
Stephanie took her time and persevered with her driving lessons, even though most took place in heavy, rush hour traffic and waited until she was fully ready to drive unaccompanied.
These conditions and Stephanie´s effort and consistency prepared her well for the test and beyond.
The result? A first time pass and a new found independence.

For Automatic Driving Lessons With A Professional Instructor In East Ayrshire
Daniel Cameron Driver Training
 01563 530918
 07920 004026
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